Your “Crew” will consist of at least two authorized “Consistory” Stage Crew members. If you desire to use the house sound system, an additional member may be required. Additional crew may be contracted for when making rental arrangements.
Dressing Rooms
There are two very large dressing rooms located beneath the stage. These rooms both contain lighted make-up areas with barber chairs for performers to relax in while being made-up. There are also several movable racks for costumes. Access to dressing areas is provided by stairs located off both stage left and stage right. Lavatory facilities are located at the ends of each room and they both include large walk-in showers. A Green Room is located off stage right at stage level.

View of Dressing Rooms.
Support Area
A large workshop/storage area is available directly behind the rear wall of the stage and is accessible from either wing and from the load-in area.