Begin Your Journey to 32°
Our core values — Integrity, Justice, Service to Humanity, Toleration, Reverence for God, and Devotion to Country — unite us in our quest to become better men and better Masons.
Learn More
There is so much to learn about the Scottish Rite – how we put our values to work, our commitment to fulfill our fraternal obligation to care for our brothers, and the educational resources we have for members who want to go deeper into our Masonic teachings.
To learn more about 32° Scottish Rite Freemasonry, fill out the form below. We’ll guide you through all we have to offer.
And as a thank you for your interest, you will receive a free “Not Just a Man. A Mason.” Facebook banner. Use it on your personal profile to show the world your Masonic pride.
To join: click the tab below based on your Masonic status.
If you are a Master Mason, please complete the below form and the Valley Secretary will contact you. While waiting, click here and download a pdf copy of the application that will need to be completed.
If you are not a Master Mason yet, you cannot join the Scottish Rite at this time. Please click this link to visit the Grand Lodge of PA and find a Blue Lodge near you. Once you have obtained a Master Mason degree, you may then return and join the Valley of Harrisburg.

Benefits of being a 32° Scottish Rite Mason
Deepen Your Masonic Education
Further light in Masonry through degrees 4° to 32°
Additional online, educational resources and premium members-only content to go deeper into the degrees
Connect With Brothers
Expanded network of Masons in each of the 102 Valleys in the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction
Interactive programming with 32° Scottish Rite leaders
Brother-to-Brother calling to stay in contact with members
Give Back
Be part of a fraternity that puts the Masonic obligation of caring for each other at the center of all we do
Make a difference by supporting the four Scottish Rite Benevolent Foundation charities
Be Part of the Most Innovative and Member-Focused Body in Freemasonry
We work vigorously to keep the Brotherhood engaged and connected, responding proactively to member needs
From interactive programming to engagement on social platforms, we strive to provide the best member experience possible